
PayPal (or other Cards through Paypal)
PayPal, an eBay group company, is a fast and secure payment system. Once you select this payment method and then click on “Continue with PayPal” you will be redirected to where you can choose from:

Make payment by logging into your PayPal account (The order amount will be charged to your PayPal account when the transaction is completed);
Pay with any credit/prepaid card (Visa, Visa Electron, Postepay, PayPal Card, Mastercard, American Express).
The system communicates directly with PayPal in total security, so the Gurmido site never learns the customer’s payment method information. The amount will be charged directly to the credit card (Visa, Visa Electron, Postepay, Mastercard and American Express) or prepaid card (PostePay) whose details the customer has entered.

With each transaction, the customer receives a confirmation email from PayPal. Paying by PayPal or Credit Card speeds up the order shipping time because the transaction is verified instantly and the order goes through processing immediately.

Credit Card

Payments are accepted with credit cards of the VISA, Mastercard and Maestro circuits.
The total amount owed by the user to Gurmido is charged when the order is transmitted.

By checking the “Save your credit card to speed up future purchases” box present in the “Summary & Payment” step of the purchase process, the user can authorize the storage of the credit card through the Tokenization process, which protects the card from cloning.

In this way, it will be possible to reuse the card for payment of subsequent purchases, thus avoiding the need to enter the card’s data with each purchase.

The user can, at any time, revoke the authorization to reuse credit card data for subsequent purchases by accessing the “Saved Credit Cards” section of his personal account and deleting the cards already saved or, during the purchase process, by clicking on the “Edit” button that appears next to the stored credit cards.

Gurmido uses the secure payment service of the company Banca Sella, which involves the use of the SSL security protocol.
Confidential credit card information (card number, cardholder expiration date, security code) is encrypted and thus transmitted to the payment processor.

Therefore, the Gurmido Site never has access to and does not store credit card information used by the user to pay for products, even if the user proceeds to save credit cards.

Bank Transfer

If you choose Bank Transfer as your payment method, your order will be processed as soon as it is credited until notification of successful bank transfer is received.

The bank details to make the payment are inside the order confirmation email; if you do not receive the email, I suggest you check the spam box or contact me via the form at

Payment slips are not accepted to guarantee the Bank Transfer made. The order will remain in the “Waiting” status until notification of successful bank transfer is received.

Payment by Bank Transfer does not ensure the same celerity as other payment methods: product shipment slips by 24/48 working hours for Domestic Bank Transfers and 3 to 6 working days for International Bank Transfers.